The Heart Attack Grill® is a hospital themed restaurant in downtown Las Vegas. It has become internationally famous for embracing and promoting an unhealthy diet of incredibly large hamburgers. Customers are referred to as "patients," orders as "prescriptions," and the waitresses as "nurses." All those who weigh over 350 pounds are invited to unlimited free food provided they weigh themselves on an electronic cattle scale affront a cheering restaurant crowd.
The menu includes the Single Bypass Burger®, Double Bypass Burger®, Triple Bypass Burger®, Quadruple Bypass Burger®, Quintuple Bypass Burger™, Sextuple Bypass Burger™, Septuple Bypass Burger™, and the Octuple Bypass Burger™. These dishes range in weight from half a pound to four pounds of beef. Also on the menu are Flatliner Fries® (cooked in pure lard) and the Coronary Dog™, Lucky Strike no filter cigarettes, alcohol, Butterfat Milkshakes™, full sugar Coca-Cola, and candy cigarettes for the kids!
"Patients" who are unable to finish their meals are subjected to brutal spankings publicly delivered by one of the Heart Attack Grill's attractive nursing staff. These spankings have been the subject of significant publicity. Thought of as being an erotic gimmick, Dr Jon refers to them as "Pain Management Therapy" and insists they are a very necessary part of the healing process only from which true growth can emerge.
The menu names imply coronary artery bypass surgery, and refer to the danger of developing atherosclerosis from the food's high proportion of saturated fat and excessive caloric content. The Quadruple Bypass Burger® has been awarded the title of World's Most Calorific Burger by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® who quoted the caloric content to be 9,983 calories! Guinness officials have yet to evaluate the larger more "invasive" burgers, Quintuple through Octuple, which were officially added to the menu in December 2012.
One of the restaurants most celebrated (and widely publicized) gimmicks is the free wheelchair service provided to those "patients" who successfully finish the Quadruple Bypass Burger®. Amidst a flurry of photography from tourist bystanders the "patients" are pushed in a wheelchair out to their cars. The media continually questions the morality of the policy of providing unlimited free food to all "patients" weighing over 350 pounds.
Founded in December of 2005 by Dr. Jon, a non-AMA recognized physician. He has been glorified as the freedom fighting arch enemy of political correctness by some, and demonized as a charlatan "nutritional pornographer" by others, Dr. Jon can be found each day, at the griddle, actually flipping hamburgers in his white doctor's lab coat and stethoscope. The restaurant has found itself in a continual state of self-defense against various activist groups and branches of state government. Most notable was a very public threat closure from the Attorney General's Office in late 2006. The controversy hit a crescendo when Dr. Jon was arrested after having threatened to open a live fire hose on a group of picketing nurses. Rush Limbaugh, Geraldo Rivera, and major networks from over sixty countries went live with the story, in a non-stop media frenzy that lasted for months on end.
To make light of the situation Dr. Jon put a disclaimer on his website stating, "The use of the word 'nurse' above is only intended as a parody. None of the women pictured on our website actually have any medical training, nor do they attempt to provide any real medical services. It should be made clear that the Heart Attack Grill® and all its employees do not offer any therapeutic treatments". Despite the obvious animosity between the Heart Attack Grill®, and various Nursing Associations, Dr. Jon has always taken time in each and every television interview to point out that we are absolutely in the midst of a severe global nurse shortage. "It's a real crisis!" says Dr. Jon, "Each one of us has a duty to help. I view my part is to draw attention to the problem by playing the role of the villain".
In late 2010 the Heart Attack Grill® became the number one globally searched Internet term thanks to a string of brilliant viral videos conceived by super plus sized spokesman, Blair River. River was a comic genius that died tragically in early 2011 at the age of 29 from pneumonia, which was complicated by his 570 pound body weight. Upon River's death, the Heart Attack Grill once again rocketed to the number one position on the Internet only to be eclipsed as a news story the following week by the Japanese Tsunami.
The Heart Attack Grill once again became a global news phenomenon when, in February 2012, a patron suffered an actual myocardial infarction (heart attack) on the premises. Media sarcasm hit a crescendo when, in April 2012, a second patron suffered similar symptoms and was shuttled off to a Las Vegas hospital. Two ambulance departures in less than 60 days left an indelible mark on the Heart Attack Grill's public image. Dr. Jon delivered a clear message to the media that such tragedies shall inevitably continue due to a having clientele which he refers to as being the "avant-garde of nutritional risk takers".
In 2013 the Heart Attack Grill dominated headlines with a second spokesman's death due to a confirmed heart attack while leaving the premises. John Alleman had been the company's pitchman for two years, having been featured on the menu, promoted with his own line of Heart Attack Grill sportswear, and never missed a single days attendance in the restaurant! Alleman was cremated shortly after his death and his ashes remain to this day above the restaurants bar on full display to the public.
The Heart Attack Grill has remained in continual negotiations with several major television networks over the rights to it's morbid story. Dr. Jon's most recent fitness book is entitled; Heart Attack Grill Diet, which teaches readers how to "Eat, Drink, and Smoke their way to Better Health".

Moving GIF

Heart Attack Burger Theme Song by Gil Basso

We can accommodate crews for news, documentaries, and reality television programing. Monday through Thursday between the hours of 8am - 4pm. We do NOT allow filming on premises during the evenings or weekends.
Our entire staff is well seasoned, having continuously performed in all types of productions over the last decade. We maintain a professional sound studio, green screen room, and editing bay on premises free of charge for the convenience of established production companies.
Our philosophy is to focus upon making your filming experience as productive and cost effective as possible. We achieve this by delivering an excellent performance in a streamline fashion.
Intra-Show viewer spikes prove that placing a Heart Attack Grill segment within your production is the surest way to pick up the tempo of the piece and drive home big ratings!